School Bus Safety - Huntington & Smithtown Moms

Some of us are already back in school, and some are preparing, shopping, and talking to our kids about pick up/drop off and School Bus routines.

For many of us, this may be the first time our kids get on a school bus.  The experience, though exciting for children, can also be nerve wracking for some parents.

Here are a few key safety precautions to discuss with your children:

  1. Bus “Danger Zone”- 10ft out from the school bus.  Drivers may not be able to see you if you are in this zone.
  2. Always let the bus come to a complete stop before you approach it, or attempt to get off the bus.
  3. Make sure the driver sees you- this goes for getting on and getting off (tell your child to always wave “Hi” or “bye” to the driver to make sure they see them).
  4. If you must walk in the street to get to the bus, walk as close to the edge as you can, facing traffic.
  5. Parents, if your child will be waiting at the bus stop by themselves, take a trip beforehand and show them where to wait for the bus.
  6. Have your children call/text as soon as they get home.
  7. If you drop something near the bus, never pick it up. NEVER crawl under a bus.
  8. Remind children to look left and right before crossing the street, and to look again before they pass the school bus.  Occasionally, drivers will try to pass a school bus once they have put up their stop sign.
  9. Also remind children that texting can wait- ask them to put their cell phone in their pockets or backpacks until they have crossed the street to avoid distraction or dropping it.
  10. Let them know that once on the bus, to avoid yelling loudly or throwing things that can distract the driver.

In prepping our kids for the school year, we must also remember to be cautious when driving, stay alert and undistracted.  A lot of us will be rushing to get our kids to school and get to work, run errands, etc.  It’s important to to recognize that children may not always be paying attention.  We wish you a safe and successful school year!

Don’t forget you can always check our Schools page for information, calendar and important phone numbers.

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